From Adjunctions to Monads
I thought I would share one of my favorite constructions in
Haskell, namely that adjoint functors give rise to monads.
Although it's a trivial result in category theory how it
manifests in Haskell is quite lovely.
A Functor in Haskell maps objects and morphism (i.e. functions)
in a subcategory of Hask to objects and morphisms of another
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
And satisfies the functor laws:
fmap id = id
fmap (a . b) = (fmap a) . (fmap b)
In commutative diagrams we draw objects as points and morphisms
as arrows. In a string diagrams we invert this and draw morphisms
as points and objects as lines.
Functor composition is defined for $F : \mathcal{A} \rightarrow
\mathcal{B}$, $G : \mathcal{B} \rightarrow \mathcal{C}$ as $G
\circ F : \mathcal{A} \rightarrow \mathcal{C}$, and is drawn with
parallel lines.
newtype FComp f g a = C { unC :: f (g a) }
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (FComp f g) where
fmap f (C x) = C (fmap (fmap f) x)
Generally the composition of functors $F \circ G$ is written
simply as $FG$. Composition diagrammatically allows us to
collapse adjacent segments in our string diagram.
The identity functor ( $\text{Id}$ ) is the functor that maps
each morphism and object to itself.
newtype Id a = Identity { unId :: a }
instance Functor Id where
fmap f x = Identity (f (unId x))
Composition with the identity functor forms an identity relation:
F \circ \text{Id}_B = F \
\text{Id}_A \circ F = F
As witnessed by the expressions:
left :: Functor f => FComp f Id a -> f a
left (C a) = fmap unId a
right :: Functor f => f a -> FComp f Id a
right a = C $ fmap Identity a
We'll follow the convention to omit the identity functor, and it is shown as a dotted line in subsequent
string diagrams.
A natural transformation in our context will be a polymorphic function
associated with two Haskell functor instances f
and g
with type
signature (Functor f, Functor g) => forall a. f a -> g a
. Which could be written with
the following type synonym.
type Nat f g = forall a. f a -> g a
The identity natural transform mapping a functor $F$ to itself is
written $1_F$ and in Haskell is just (id
). The composition of
natural transformations follows the associativity laws, shown
The final interchange law states that we can chase the natural
transformations through the functors horizontally or compose
natural transformation between functors vertically and still
arrive at the same result.
(\alpha \beta) \circ (\alpha' \beta') = (\alpha \alpha') \circ (\beta \beta')
type NatComp f f' g g' = forall a. f' (f a) -> g' (g a)
vert :: (Functor f, Functor f', Functor g, Functor g') =>
Nat f' g' -> Nat f g -> NatComp f f' g g'
vert a b x = a (fmap b x)
horiz :: (Functor f, Functor f', Functor g, Functor g') =>
Nat f' g' -> Nat f g -> NatComp f f' g g'
horiz a b x = fmap b (a x)
By the interchange law horiz
and vert
must be
interchangable under composition. For natural transformations
a, b, a', b'
in Haskell we have the equation:
(a . b) `vert` (a' . b') == (a `horiz` a') . (b `horiz` b')
A diagram example for a natural transformation $\eta : 1_\mathcal{C}
\rightarrow {FG}$ between the identity functor and the
composition functor of $FG$ would be drawn as:
An isomorphism $F \cong G$ implies that composition of functors
is invertible in that $F G = \text{Id}_C$ and $G F =
\text{Id}_D$. An adjoint $F ⊣ G$ between a pair of functors $F :
D \rightarrow C$ and $G : C \rightarrow D$ is a weaker statement
that there exists a pair of associated natural transformations
$(F, G, \epsilon, \eta)$ with:
\epsilon : FG \rightarrow 1_\mathcal{C} \
\eta : 1_\mathcal{D} \rightarrow FG
Such that the following triangle identities hold:
(\epsilon F) \circ (F \eta) = 1_F \
(G \epsilon) \circ (\eta G) = 1_G
These are drawn below:
In terms of the categories $C,D$ an adjoint is in some sense a
"half-isomorphism" or "almost inverse" but some structure is lost
in one direction.
$\eta$ and $\epsilon$ are also referred to respectively as the
unit and counit.
In Haskell we have the following typeclass which unfortunately
requires a functional dependency in order for type inferencer to
deduce which fmap
is to be used:
class (Functor f, Functor g) => Adjoint f g | f -> g, g -> f where
eta :: a -> g (f a)
epsilon :: f (g a) -> a
There are also two other natural transformations ($\phi, \psi$)
which together with the adjoint functor pair form an
adjunction. The adjunction can be defined in terms of the
adjoint pair and this is most convenient definition in Haskell
\psi \epsilon = 1_F \
\phi \eta = 1_G
phi :: Adjoint f g => (f a -> b) -> a -> g b
phi f = fmap f . eta
psi :: Adjoint f g => (a -> g b) -> f a -> b
psi f = epsilon . fmap f
Notably $\phi$ and $\psi$ form an isomorphism between the set of
functions (a -> g b)
and (f a -> b)
which is the same
relation as the above triangle identities. Alternatively $\eta$
and $\epsilon$ can be expressed in terms of $\phi$ and $\psi$.
phi eta = id
psi epsilon = id
From the Haskell Prelude we have the canonical adjoint namely
and uncurry
\text{curry} \quad ⊣ \quad \text{uncurry}
instance Functor ((,) a) where
fmap f (x,y) = (x, f y)
instance Functor ((->) a) where
fmap f g = \x -> f (g x)
Which we can construction an Adjoint instance from these two
functor instances:
instance Adjoint ((,) a) ((->) a) where
eta x y = (y, x)
epsilon (y, f) = f y
We can check that the triangle equalities hold for this
definition by showing both $(\epsilon F) \circ (F \eta)$ and $(G
\epsilon) \circ (\eta G)$ reduce to the identity natural
transformation ( id
a0 :: (a -> (b -> c)) -> a -> (b -> c)
a0 f = \f -> fmap (epsilon . fmap f) . eta
a0 f = fmap (\(y, f) -> g f y) . eta
a0 f = \x y -> f x y
a1 :: ((a, b) -> c) -> (a,b) -> c
a1 f = epsilon . fmap (fmap f . eta)
a1 f = epsilon . fmap (\x y -> f (y, x))
a1 f = \(x, y) -> f (x, y)
We know a Monad is an endofunctor $T : C \rightarrow C$ with two
natural transformations $(T, \mu, \eta)$ with the usual laws:
\mu \circ T \mu = \mu \circ \mu T \
\mu \circ T \eta = \mu \circ \eta T = 1_T \
The geometric intuition is that the monad laws are reflected as
topological properties of the string diagrams. Both $\mu$ and
$\eta$ exhibit reflection symmetry and that we topologically
straighten out $\eta$ to yield the identity functor.
In Haskell we can normally
construct the
Monad type class from an Endofunctor and ($\mu, \eta$) or
and return
class (Functor t) => Monad t where
eta :: a -> (t a)
mu :: (t (t a)) -> (t a)
(>>=) :: t a -> (a -> t b) -> t b
ma >>= f = mu . fmap f
return = eta
join = mu
What is not immediately apparent though is that every adjoint
pair of functors gives rise to a monad $(T, \mu, \eta)$ over a
category $C$ induced by the composition of the functors to give
rise to a endofunctor and natural transformations in terms of the
unit and counit of the underlying adjunction:
T &= G \circ F & : &C \rightarrow C \
\mu &= G \epsilon & : &T^2 \rightarrow T \
class Adjoint f g => Monad f g where
muM :: g (f (g (f a))) -> g (f a)
muM = fmap epsilon
etaM :: a -> g (f a)
etaM = eta
(>>=) :: g (f a) -> (a -> g (f b)) -> g (f b)
x >>= f = muM (fmap (fmap f) x)
The geometric intution for this is clear:
From the Monad we can then construct the Kleisli category in the
usual way.
class (Adjoint f g, Category c) => Kleisli c f g where
idK :: c x (g (f x))
(<=<) :: c y (g (f z)) -> c x (g (f y)) -> c x (g (f z))
instance Monad f g => Kleisli (->) f g where
idK = eta
g <=< f = muM . fmap (fmap g) . f
instance Kleisli c f g => Monoid (c a (g (f a))) where
mempty = idK
mappend = (<=<)
In retrospect this is trivial, but importantly leads us to the
more important question: Can we recover an adjunction from a
monad. The answer is Yes...