Monads to Machine Code

Just-in-time or JIT compilation is compilation done by dynamically generating
executable code. It's a common technique used in many language runtimes to
generate optimized code for hot code paths as well ahead of time compilation for
various tasks.

So let's build a small LLVM-like intermediate language and JIT execution engine
in Haskell. This will only function with modern Linux and x86-64 architecture,
although in principle this will work on any platform if you can make the
appropriate FFI calls to mmap and mprotect syscalls on your respective

Source code is available here.


The x86-x64 instruction set is the 64-bit revision of x86 instruction set which
was first developed for the Intel 8086 CPU family. The base types which hardware
operates over are integers and floating point types. Let us just consider the
integral types for now, these come in four major varieties:

On the Intel architecture numbers are represented little endian meaning lower
significant bytes are stored in lower memory addresses. The whole memory
representation for a value is partitioned into high bits and low bits. For
example the hexadecimal number 0xc0ffee as a DWORD is stored in memory as:

In Haskell unboxed integral machine types are provided by the Data.Word

data Word8  = W8# Word#
data Word16 = W16# Word#
data Word32 = W32# Word#
data Word64 = W64# Word#

Pointers are simply literal addresses to main memory, where the underlying
access and storage are managed by the Linux kernel. To model this abstractly in
Haskell we'll create a datatype containing the possible values we can operate

data Val
  = I Int64      -- Integer
  | R Reg        -- Register
  | A Word32     -- Addr
  deriving (Eq, Show)

To convert from Haskell types into byte sequences we'll use the binary library
to convert integral types into little endian arrays of bytes.

bytes :: Integral a => a -> [Word8]
bytes x = fmap BS.c2w bs
    bs = unpack $ runPut $ putWord32le (fromIntegral x)

For example given a hexadecimal literal this will expand it out into an array of
it's bit components.

val = bytes 0xc0ffee -- [238,255,192,0]


The x64 architecture contains sixteen general purpose 64-bit registers capable
of storing a quadword. They major ones are labeled rax, rbx, rcx, rdx, rbp, rsi, rdi, and rsp.

Each of the registers is given a specific index (r), which will be used in
the binary representation of specific instructions that operate over these


r = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Each of these registers can be addressed as a smaller register containing a
subset of the lower bits. The 32-bit register of rax is eax. These are
shown in the table below.

These smaller registers are given specific names with modified prefixes.

64-bit 32-bit 16-bit

rax eax ax
rbx ebx bx
rcx ecx cx
rdx edx dx
rsp esp sp
rbp ebp bp
rsi esi si
rdi edi di
rip eip ip

In Haskell we model this a sum type for each of the 64-bit registers. Consider
just the 64-bit registers for now.

data Reg
  = RAX  -- Accumulator
  | RCX  -- Counter (Loop counters)
  | RDX  -- Data
  | RBX  -- Base / General Purpose
  | RSP  -- Current stack pointer
  | RBP  -- Previous Stack Frame Link
  | RSI  -- Source Index Pointer
  | RDI  -- Destination Index Pointer
  deriving (Eq, Show)

The index for each register is defined by a simple pattern match case

index :: Reg -> Word8
index x = case x of
  RAX -> 0
  RCX -> 1
  RDX -> 2
  RBX -> 3
  RSP -> 4
  RBP -> 5
  RSI -> 6
  RDI -> 7


Monads are an algebraic structure with two functions (bind) and (return)
and three laws.

bind :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
return :: Monad m => a -> m a

The compiler will desugar do-blocks of the form into a canonical form involving
generic bind and return statements.

f :: Monad m => m Int
f = do
  a <- x
  b <- y
  return (a+b)

Is transformed into:

f :: Monad m => m Int
f =
  bind x (\a ->
    bind y (\b ->
      return (a+b))

Monad is implemented as a typeclass indexed by a parameter m, that when
instantiated with a typeclass instances replaces the bind and return functions
with a specific implementation of the two functions (like State or Reader).

f :: State MyState Int
f =
  bindState x (\a ->
    bindState y (\b ->
      returnState (a+b))

The State monad is an instance of Monad with several functions for composing
stateful logic.

get :: State s s                   -- get the state
put :: s -> State s ()             -- set the state
modify :: (s -> s) -> State s ()   -- apply a function over the state

For example a little state machine that holds a single Int value would be
written like the following.

machine :: State Int Int
machine = do
  put 3
  modify (+1)

val :: Int
val = execState machine 0

More common would be to have the state variable s be a record with multiple
fields that can be modified. For managing our JIT memory we'll create a struct
with the several fields.

data JITMem = JITMem
 { _instrs :: [Instr]
 , _mach   :: [Word8]
 , _icount :: Word32
 , _memptr :: Word32
 , _memoff :: Word32
 } deriving (Eq, Show)

This will be composed into our X86 monad which will hold the JIT memory as we
assemble individual machine instructions and the pointer and memory offsets for
the sequence of assembled instructions.

type X86 a = StateT JITMem (Except String) a

JIT Memory

To start creating the JIT we first need to create a block of memory with
executable permissions. Inside of C

we can get the flags needed to be passed to the various mmap syscall to
create the necessary memory block.

#define PROT_NONE       0x00    /* No access.  */
#define PROT_READ       0x04    /* pages can be read */
#define PROT_WRITE      0x02    /* pages can be written */
#define PROT_EXEC       0x01    /* pages can be executed */

#define MAP_FILE        0x0001  /* mapped from a file or device */
#define MAP_ANON        0x0002  /* allocated from memory, swap space */
#define MAP_TYPE        0x000f  /* mask for type field */

Then we simply allocate a given block of memory off the Haskell heap via mmap
with the executable flags.

newtype MmapOption = MmapOption CInt
  deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Num, Bits)

protExec    = ProtOption 0x01
protWrite   = ProtOption 0x02
mmapAnon    = MmapOption 0x20
mmapPrivate = MmapOption 0x02

allocateMemory :: CSize -> IO (Ptr Word8)
allocateMemory size = mmap nullPtr size pflags mflags (-1) 0
    pflags = protRead <> protWrite
    mflags = mapAnon .|. mapPrivate

Haskell pointers can be passed to our JIT'd code by simply casting them into
their respective addresses on the Haskell heap.

heapPtr :: Ptr a -> Word32
heapPtr = fromIntegral . ptrToIntPtr

For example if we want allocate a null-terminated character array and pass a
pointer to it's memory to our JIT'd code we can write down a asciz to
synthesize this memory from a Haskell string and grab the heap pointer.

asciz :: [Char] -> IO Word32
asciz str = do
  ptr <- newCString (str ++ ['\n'])
  return $ heapPtr ptr

For C functions we simply use the dynamic linker to grab the function pointer
the given symbol in the memory space of the process. The Haskell runtime links
against glibc's stdio.h and math.h so these symbols will all be floating
around in memory.

extern :: String -> IO Word32
extern name = do
  dl <- dlopen "" [RTLD_LAZY, RTLD_GLOBAL]
  fn <- dlsym dl name
  return $ heapPtr $ castFunPtrToPtr fn

When we've compiled our byte vector of machine code we'll copy into executable

jit :: Ptr Word8 -> [Word8] -> IO (IO Int)
jit mem machCode = do
  code <- codePtr machCode
  withForeignPtr (vecPtr code) $ \ptr -> do
    copyBytes mem ptr (8*6)
  return (getFunction mem)

Then we'll use the FFI to synthesize a function pointer to the memory and invoke

foreign import ccall "dynamic"
  mkFun :: FunPtr (IO Int) -> IO Int

getFunction :: Ptr Word8 -> IO Int
getFunction mem = do
  let fptr = unsafeCoerce mem :: FunPtr (IO Int)
  mkFun fptr


Before we start manually populating our executable code with instructions, let's
look at assembly form of what we'll write and create a small little DSL in
Haskell make this process closer to the problem domain. Assembly is the
intermediate human readable representation of machine code. Both clang and gcc
are capable of dumping out this representation before compilation. For example
for the following C program takes two integers passed in registers, multiplies
them respectively and adds the result.

int f(int x, int y)
    return (x*x)^y;

Internally the C compiler is condensing the Destructuring the expressions into a
linear sequence instructions storing the intermediate results in scratch
registers and writing the end computed result to return register. It then
selects appropriate machine instruction for each of the abstract operations.

// pseudocode for intermediate C representation
int f() {
    int x = register(rdi);
    int y = register(rsi);
    int tmp1 = x*x;
    int tmp2 = tmp1^y;
    return tmp2;

We can output the assembly to a file add.s. We'll use the Intel Syntax which
puts the destination operand before other operands. The alternate AT&T syntax
reverses this convention.

$ clang -O2 -S --x86-asm-syntax=intel xor.c

The generated code will resemble the following. Notice that there are two kinds
of statements: directives and instructions. Directive are prefixed with a
period while instructions are an operation together with a list operands.
Statements of instructions are grouped into labeled blocks are suffixed with a
colon for example f: is the label containing the logic for the function

        .file   "xor.c"
        .globl  f
        .type   f, @function
        .intel_syntax noprefix
        mov     eax, edi
        imul    eax, edi
        xor     eax, esi

The assembler will then turn this sequence of instructions into either an
executable or an object file containing the generated machine code. To
disassemble the output we can use objdump to view the hex sequence of machine
instructions and the offsets within the file.

$ objdump -M intel -d xor.o

xor:     file format elf64-x86-64

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <f>:
   0:	89 f8                	mov    eax,edi
   2:	0f af c7             	imul   eax,edi
   5:	31 f0                	xor    eax,esi
   7:	c3                   	ret

The compiled program in memory is then a contiguous array of bytes, which is
evaluated by moving the instruction pointer at the start address.

89 f8 0f af c7 31 f0 c3


Instructions consist of two parts, an opcode and a set of operands which
specify labels, registers, or addresses to memory which the CPU will execute
over for the give instruction. We'll consider a subset of interesting
operations which operate over integers and manipulate the call stack.

data Instr
  = Ret
  | Mov Val Val
  | Add Val Val
  | Sub Val Val
  | Mul Val
  | IMul Val Val
  | Xor Val Val
  | Inc Val
  | Dec Val
  | Push Val
  | Pop Val
  | Call Val
  | Loop Val
  | Nop
  | Syscall
  deriving (Eq, Show)

To add to the JIT memory we'll simply modify the state by appending an
instruction to the _mach field and adjusting the memory offset pointer by
the length of instructions added.

emit :: [Word8] -> X86 ()
emit i = modify $ \s -> s
  { _mach   = _mach s ++ i
  , _memoff = _memoff s + fromIntegral (length i)



Registers are identified as lowercase (i.e. rbp, rsp). In our expression
builder we'll simply write down several functions which construct a register
value type from an underlying Reg value.

rax :: Val
rax = R RAX

rsi :: Val
rsi = R RSI

Immediate Operands

Immediate operands are direct references to constants (literals or memory
addresses) or labels. For example:

add    eax,42
add    eax,0xff

For immediate values we simply push the array of bytes for the number directly
on the byte sequence.

imm :: Integral a => a -> X86 ()
imm = emit . bytes


The full instruction set for x86 is vast and including AVX, SSE and other
specialized intrinsics there is an extraordinary amount of complexity and quirky
specifications. Each of these abstract instructions can have multiple opcodes
for each type of operands it may take. For example the mov instruction for
register to register movement has opcode 0x89 while moving immediate data
into a register has opcode 0xC7.

The reference for the most common operations the site has a very useful quick
reference. For the full set of possible instructions on your modern Intel
processor refer to the 1500 page Intel Software Developer's

To lookup the numerical opcodes for a given instructions, we use a specific
naming conventions for the operands.

Prefix Description

r<size> Register Operand
imm<size> Immediate Operand
m<size> Memory Operand

So for example:

Prefix Description

r64 64 bit register
imm8 8 immediate operand
m32 32 memory operand

For opcodes that operate over a set of possible operands, these are demarcated
with a slash, in the form r8/r16/r32.

For our limited set of instructions there are two types of opcodes.

  1. 1-Byte Opcodes
  2. 2-Byte Opcodes

Instruction Opcode

MOV 89
POP 58
ADD 83
SUB 29
CMP 39
AND 21
OR 09
XOR 31
ADC 11
JE 84
JNE 85

On top of this opcodes may have an additional prefixes which modify the sizes of
arguments involved. These were added to allow 32-bit compatibility in the
transition between 32-bit and 64-bit systems and preserve the underlying opcodes
of the 32-bit system. For instance the following mov instructions all
operate over registers and perform the same action but over different sizes.

mov al,255
mov ax,255
mov eax,255
mov rax,255

But translate into different opcodes depending on size.

b0 ff                   mov    al,0xff
66 b8 ff 00             mov    ax,0xff
b8 ff 00 00 00          mov    eax,0xff
48 c7 c0 ff 00 00 00    mov    rax,0xff

prefix opcode data assembly meaning

66 b0 ff mov al, 0xff 8-bit load
66 b8 ff 00 mov ax, 0xff load with a 16-bit prefix (0x66)
66 b8 ff 00 00 00 mov eax, 0xff load with default size of 32 bits
48 c7 c0 ff 00 00 00 mov rax, 0xff Sign-extended load using REX 64-bit prefix (0x48)

Machine Code

Ok, let's look at the full structure of an instruction. It consists of several

The sizes of these parts depend on the size and type of the opcode as well as
prefix modifiers.

Prefix Opcode Mod R/M Scale Index Base Displacement Immediate

1-4 bytes 1-3 bytes 1 Byte 1 Byte 1-4 Bytes 1-4 Bytes


The header fixes the first four bits to be constant 0b0100 while the next
four bits indicate the pretense of W/R/X/B extensions.

The W bit modifies the operation width. The R, X and B fields extend the register encodings.

  • REX.W -- Extends the operation width
  • REX.R -- Extends ModRM.reg
  • REX.X -- Extends SIB.index
  • REX.B -- Extends SIB.base or ModRM.r/m

ModR/M byte

The Mod-Reg-R/M byte determines the instruction's operands and the addressing
modes. These are several variants of addressing modes.

  1. Immediate mode - operand is part of the instruction
  2. Register addressing - operand contained in register
  3. Direct Mode - operand field of instruction contains address of the operand
  4. Register Indirect Addressing - used for addressing data arrays with offsets
  5. Indexing - constant base + register
  6. Indexing With Scaling - Base + Register Offset * Scaling Factor
  7. Stack Addressing - A variant of register indirect with auto increment/decrement using the RSP register implicitly
  8. Jump relative addressing - RIP + offset

mod meaning

00 Register indirect memory addressing mode
01 Indexed or base/indexed/displacement addressing mode
10 Indexed or base/indexed/displacement addressing mode + displacement
11 R/M denotes a register and uses the REG field


rax 000
rcx 001
rdx 010
rbx 011
rsp 100
rbp 101
rsi 110
rdi 111

In the case of mod = 00, 01 or 10

r/m meaning

000 [BX+SI] or DISP[BX][SI]
001 [BX+DI] or DISP[BX+DI]
010 [BP+SI] or DISP[BP+SI]
011 [BP+DI] or DISP[BP+DI]
100 [SI] or DISP[SI]
101 [DI] or DISP[DI]
110 Displacement-only or DISP[BP]
111 [BX] or DISP[BX]

For example given the following instruction that uses register direct mode and
specifies the register operand in r/m.

mov    rbx,rax

We have:

mod   = 0b11
reg   = 0b000
r/m   = rbx
r/m   = 0b011
ModRM = 0b11000011
ModRM = 0xc3

Scale Index Base

Scale is the factor by which index is multipled before being added to base to
specify the address of the operand. Scale can have value of 1, 2, 4, or 8. If scale is not specified, the default value is 1.

scale factor

0b00 1
0b01 2
0b10 4
0b11 8

Both the index and base refer to register in the usual index scheme.


rax 000
rcx 001
rdx 010
rbx 011
rsp 100
rbp 101
rsi 110
rdi 111

Instruction Builder

Moving forward we'll create several functions mapping to X86 monadic operators
which assemble instructions in the state monad. Let's do some simple arithmetic
logic first.

arith :: X86 ()
arith = do
  mov rax (I 18)
  add rax (I 4)
  sub rax (I 2)
  imul rax (I 2)

Each of these functions takes in some set of operands given by the algebraic
datatype Val and pattern matches on the values to figure out which x86
opcode to use and how to render the values to bytes.


The simplest cases is simply the return function which takes no operands and is
a 1-bit opcode.

ret :: X86 ()
ret = do
  emit [0xc3]

add <r64> <imm32>

Add for immediate values extends the operand with a REX.W flag to handle 64-bit
immediate data.

0:  48 83 c0 01             add    rax,0x1
add :: Val -> Val -> X86 ()
add (R l) (I r) = do
  emit [0x48]              -- REX.W prefix
  emit [0x05]              -- ADD
  imm r

add <r64> <r64>

Register to register add uses the REX.W flag in the same manor but passes the
source register in the ModRM.reg field using register direct mode. We do bitwise
or over the mode 0xc0 and then shift 3 bits to specify the register in
register index in the reg bits.

0:  48 01 e0                add    rax,rsp
add (R l) (R r) = do
  emit [0x48]              -- REX prefix
  emit [0x01]              -- ADD
  emit [0xc0 .|. opcode r `shiftL` 3 .|. opcode l]

mov <r64>, <r64>

Same logic applies for the mov instruction for both the register-to-register and
immediate data cases.

0:  48 89 d8                mov    rax,rbx
mov :: Val -> Val -> X86 ()
mov (R dst) (R src) = do
  emit [0x48]              -- REX.W prefix
  emit [0x89]              -- MOV
  emit [0xC0 .|. opcode src `shiftL` 3 .|. opcode dst]

mov <r64>, <imm32>

0:  48 c7 c0 2a 00 00 00    mov    rax,0x2a
mov (R dst) (I src) = do
  emit [0x48]              -- REX.W prefix
  emit [0xC7]              -- MOV
  emit [0xC0 .|. (opcode dst .&. 7)]
  imm src

inc <r64>, dec <r64>

The inc and dec functions are slightly different in that they share the same
opcode but modify the ModRM bit to specify the operation.

inc :: Val -> X86()
inc (R dst) = do
  emit [0x48]              -- REX prefix
  emit [0xFF]              -- INC
  emit [0xc0 + index dst]
dec (R dst) = do
  emit [0x48]              -- REX prefix
  emit [0xFF]              -- DEC
  emit [0xc0 + (index dst + 8)]

Putting everything together we'll JIT our function and call it from Haskell.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  mem <- allocateMemory jitsize                -- create jit memory
  let Right st = assemble mem arith            -- assemble symbolic program
  fn  <- jit mem (_mach st)                    -- jit compile
  res <- fn                                    -- call function
  putStrLn $ "Result: " <> show res

And running it we get the result.

$ stack exec example
Result: 40

Jumps & Loops

Now let's write some logic that uses control flow and jumps between labeled
blocks of instructions. Consider the factorial function that takes the value to
compute in the rcx register and computes the result my repeatedly multiply
the rax until reaching one. To do this we create a block .factor and use
the loop instruction.

        mov rcx, $5
        mov rax, $1
        mul rax
        loop .factor

Let's look at the machine code for this assembly. Notice that the loop
instruction takes a relative address in memory fc (i.e. go back 4
instructions) as it's operand.

00000000004004ed <main>:
  4004ed:       b9 05 00 00 00          mov    ecx,0x5
  4004f2:       b8 01 00 00 00          mov    eax,0x1

00000000004004f7 <.factor>:
  4004f7:       f7 e1                   mul    ecx
  4004f9:       e2 fc                   loop   4004f7 <.factor>
  4004fb:       c3                      ret

So let's create a label function which simply reaches into the monad and grabs
the current pointer location in the JIT memory that we're at.

label :: X86 Val
label = do
  addr <- gets _memoff
  ptr  <- gets _memptr
  return (A addr)

When given an memory address, the loop instruction then simply emits the
instruction simply emits the 0xE2 opcode and calculates the delta of the
source and destination and the emits it's value as the immediate data for the

loop :: Val -> X86()
loop (A dst) = do
  emit [0xE2]
  src <- gets _memoff
  ptr <- gets _memptr
  emit [fromIntegral $ dst - src]

Now we'll create the symbolic representation of this factorial assembly our in
Haskell DSL and parameterize it by a Haskell integer to compute.

factorial :: Int64 -> X86 ()
factorial n = do
  mov rcx (I n)
  mov rax (I 1)
  l1 <- label
  mul rcx
  loop l1

Putting everything together we'll JIT our function and call it from Haskell.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  mem <- allocateMemory jitsize
  let Right st = assemble mem (factorial 5)
  fn  <- jit mem (_mach st)
  res <- fn
  putStrLn $ "Result: " <> show res

And running it we get the result.

$ stack exec example
Result: 120

Calling Convention

Final task is to be able to call out of the JIT into either Haskell runtime or a
given C function pointer. To do this we need to look at the calling convention
for moving in out of other logic and setting up the registers so we can hand
them off to another subroutine and restore then when we jump back. In the 64
bit System V ABI calling
convention, the first 5 arguments get passed in registers in order rdi,
rsi, rdx rcx, r8, and r9. Subsequent arguments get passed
on the stack.

For our call function we simply compute the delta of our given position and the
address of the function we want to jump into.

call :: Val -> X86 ()
call (A dst) = do
  emit [0xE8]
  src <- gets _memoff
  imm (dst - (src + 5))
call _ = nodef

Before and after we call the function we are responsible for handling it's
arguments and the push and popping the stack frame on entry and exit. On entry
we call the function prologue and on exit we call the epilogue, in between
lies the function logic.

prologue :: X86 ()
prologue = do
  push rbp
  mov rbp rsp

epilogue :: X86 ()
epilogue = do
  pop rax
  mov rsp rbp
  pop rbp

So for example let's call out to the libc printf function passing a string
pointer to it from inside our JIT. To do this we use dlsym to grab the
symbol reference and then pass it as an address to the call instruction
after pushing the string pointer on the argument stack.

printf :: Word32 -> Word32 -> X86 ()
printf fnptr msg = do
  push rbp
  mov rbp rsp
  mov rdi (A msg)
  call (A fnptr)
  pop rbp
  mov rax (I 0)

Putting everything together we invoke it by grabbing the printf address and
passing a pointer to Haskell string using our asciz function.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let jitsize = 256*1024

  fn  <- extern "printf"
  msg <- asciz "Hello Haskell"
  mem <- allocateMemory jitsize

  let Right st = assemble mem (printf fn msg)
  join $ jit mem (_mach st)

Running it we get our friendly greeting by reaching outside the JIT.

$ stack exec example
Hello Haskell

So that's basic JIT compilation in a nutshell.